May 10, 2011

A thought of a Dreamer

A sunlight wafting through the blinds wake me up from my sleep-naked. A quiet sunlight. An undisturbed sunlight. A sunlight that fills in the ridges in the folds of my blanket and coaxes me out of my cocoon. A quiet morning in the suburbs of London. I'm a bit dizzy, last night party left me a dark circle under my eyes. I took my crumpled t-shirt labeled "University of the Arts London" on the right side of my bed and wear it. I daydream-ing for 5 or 10 minutes, feel the cold air touch my skin and trapped in my bone. 
Then I stood up, plug my ipod into the speaker and play "Zebra" song by Beach House and go to the kitchen to make a tea and pancake. My apartement is 1000x more peaceful in the morning. I drink a tea with a pancake, and started to smoke while enjoyed a beautiful song from my room. Wonderful morning. Then I looked at the calendar, 13 May 2014 underlined with a red marker. JEEZ! I forgot I had a test today! What a morning!

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